Best Free 3D program:Blender

Recently, I found a very cool 3D modeling program and the coolest thing is that this program is free and can be used to create models in a professional way its call Blender. This program allows you to draw a variety of models on a professional level, such as cars, animals, cartoon characters, house designs, interior design, and more. I have just drawn a few models with this program and liked it very much and easy to learn.

There are much rendering options what makes your projects to show more realistic. You can modeling already anything 2D or 3D models. There are camera and object tracking The Blender program is used even make various cartoon characters, TV series and even movies. Animate drawings with build in camera option and much more cool things you can do with Blender!

Here are some images from Blender software:

Very useful video tutorials from youtubers:
There are everything explained in detail and everything is shown in steps. Very easy to install and easy to save in different formats. Good luck and you can share your drawings if you like.


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